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Delivery specifications

In this article all the product specifications are described

Thomas Brandwijk avatar
Written by Thomas Brandwijk
Updated over 10 months ago

The building package delivered by Onepush is based on a 3D input model in solids and its added metadata through customization. Based on these inputs we add building information to the various parts and provide lists and files for logistics and production. This document provides an overview of the types of information and documents delivered.


Building package

  1. Plate/Pallet list

  2. Profile purchase list

  3. Plate DXF files

  4. 3D reference model

Optional products

  1. Building manual

  2. Molds DXF files

  3. Molds 3D reference model

  4. Profile production and building information

  5. Double-sided marking and printing

  6. Weld markings

Specifications deliverables

Profile purchase list

A list in .xls format containing all profiles with their

  • profile type

  • length per type

  • purchase length

  • No. of purchase lengths

Plate/Pallet list 📋

A list in .xls format containing all profiles with the following information:

  • part names

  • part plate thickness

  • whether a part is planar, 2D bend, or 3D formed (planar/unroll/formed)

  • no. of purchase lengths

  • if a part has single or double-sided markings

  • if a bevel is added

  • if overlength is added

  • builder

  • material

  • assembly group of part

  • forming company

  • volume

Profile purchase list 📋

A list in .xls format containing all profiles with the following information:

  • profile type

  • length per type

  • purchase length

  • no. of purchase lengths

Plate DXF files

A .zip file containing dxf files. For each plate, there is a dxf file of the flat version of the plate.

The files are sorted into folders based on assembly, print sides, and thickness. In addition, there is a .dxf with all parts in a single file.

General information on the plate

  • part name as text 

  • part info as text containing build name, assembly name, plate planarity (P or NP), thickness

  • orientation arrows indicating the 3D orientation of the plate 

Grid markings

  • Waterline grid markings with text  (WLxx)

  • Longitudinal grid markings with text for starboard and port side  (SBxx and PSxx)

Plate markings

  • line were other plates touch the plate

  • directional waves indicate what side of the touching plate is marked

  • text annotation indicates the name of the touching plate

Profile markings

  • contours of touching profile sides are marked

  • text annotation indicates the type and length of the touching profile

Flange markings

  • flat bar profiles attached perpendicular to a plate side are marked on the plate

  • text annotation indicates the type and length of the flat bar profile

  • straight and curved segments of the flange are indicated with their length and radius

  • when found, flanges that are not attached at their centerlines will be indicated 

  • alongside flange segments dashed straight lines are printed as a reference to check for deformations


  • plate edges can have overlength added  (eg for forming or connectivity tolerances) 


  • plate edges can have annotated codes, indicating a chamfering or bevelling of that edge

  • chamfers can be detected when incorporated in the 3D model or can be added during customization

Bending info

  • on a plate bends are annotated as text codes indicating radius angle and side

  • small radii are indicated by a line at the center of the bend, larger radii are indicated by start and end of the bend

3D reference model

For searching and measuring a .3dm Rhino file is provided with all parts as 3D solids with their part names as object names. This file can be used locally or made available through an external viewer configured by Onepush.

Building manual 

3D ISO views of construction (in assemblies) sorted on naming/positioning, with part information; leaders with pos-numbers and i.a. 

Molds DXF files

A zip file containing dxf files. For all mold plates a single dxf file is generated. In addition, there is a dxf with all plates laid out in a single file.

Molds 3D reference model

A.3dm Rhino file is provided with all generated forming molds positioned in 3D located on the 3D part they apply to. 

Profile production and building information

For each profile, the following information is generated and list exported:

  • profile type

  • length

  • end details for angle bar type profiles

Double-sided marking/printing

A/A or A/B (double-sided) markings, based on cutting/printing company capabilities: With double-sided marking and printing, parts that have connecting parts on both sides or parts with weld marking required on both sides receive marking information for printing on both sides in two separate layers per part.

Weld makings 


  • for plate-plate connections and plate-flange connections weld patterns are indicated

  • patterns are set based on specifications such as waterline height, structure type of connecting plates and flanges, and proximity of other structural features.

  • plate-flange welds are only indicated for double printed plates

  • weld marks are omitted for connections at edges and ambiguous situations

3 types of weld patterns are defined:

  • full pattern

  • chain pattern

  • staggered pattern

Indicative reference images Plate DXF files

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