The model settings can be customized on a model, project, and company level. Meaning that a model can automatically include all the (standard) settings of a given project or company.
In the model settings, the following preferences can be defined:
Model Information
Part naming format
DXF output template
Markings & Annotations
and stock sizes.
Model Information
Enter a name and a description to clarify where you are working on. The model information consists of the model name, model description, and build number.
Model name
Name of the uploaded 3D file. This text can be edited and does not affect the final output.
Model description
Description of the uploaded 3D file. This text can be edited and does not affect the final output.
Build number
Add a build number to your building package. Let us caution you that the build number is printed on all parts, therefore a short tag is advised. Furthermore, this exact number is also used in lists, drawings, and 3D reference model files.
Part naming format
The user can choose between two part-naming formats. The options for the part naming formats are: by type or by grid.
DXF output template
The user can choose between four types of DXF templates; namely the special milling 1 and cutting (1-3). For more information read DXF Templates.
Markings & annotations
A custom weld pattern can be marked on your parts, this saves a lot of time during the build of your construction. The weld patterns are defined by a code that includes the minimal weld length, the maximal spacing, and the rhythm of the welds.
For example 75,200,sh
βFull weld level
The full weld level determines to which height all plates need to be fully welded. Mostly all welds under the waterline need to be fully welded, not staggered.
Primary crossing full distance
The marked weld pattern can be influenced by a custom primary crossing full distance. This means that where primary construction members cross each other all welds within this area will be full. The standard primary crossing full distance is 150mm.
The primary members can be set up by choosing the structure type: primary.
General markings
Profile annotation format
For the annotation of profiles on plates, you can choose to mark the name, profile type, and length or a combination of these options.
Grid annotation format
When you add a project you need to set up the X, Y, and Z grid spacing. The Y (longitudinal) and Z (horizontal) grids are marked on the parts.
For the annotation of these lines you can choose:
FB SB-PS WL. This is a sequential numbering of the grid lines. For example: WL1, WL2, WL3 etc.
Or you can choose to annotate the grid lines in millimeters (WL500, WL1000, WL1500)
Plate info annotation format
The parts can be enriched with a combination of information (the POS number)
In this setting you can choose a combination of the following data to be marked on your parts:
Build number
Plate thickness
In this example the build number is 203-02, the assembly is: deck, the form is planar (P), and the plate thickness is 8 millimeters
Orientation indicator
The orientation indicator is useful for the plate orientation in the model. The user can choose between an arrow or an OP drop for the orientation indicator. For more information read the Orientation indicator.
Plate stock size
This is the default stock size, used to check if each flattened plate part fits in the stock size. For more information read Project settings.